We all long for happiness. And sometimes every one of us needs a hand. How to deal with your partner, with your job, with your life? It can help to talk to a friend, but there’s a more effective support to be found in the form of psychotherapy. My job is to help you understand your own self and regain composure.
I’ve graduated from physiotherapy and later from psychology at Charles University in Prague – and although I no longer treat clients with my hands, the human body still constitutes a reliable source of information to me. I’ve completed a complex crisis intervention training, three years of psychotherapy training in gestalt modality and currently I’m in a systemic and strategic therapy training. I’ve also been to several Radical Honesty workshops and continue to embody these teachings both in my work and life. I believe people feel better when they get out of their heads, when they start experiencing instead of analyzing, when they focus more on what is true for them and less on what they should be doing